Skip to main contentKnow where to park! Find your show to learn about parking at the event. Click any of the links under your event for Google Maps waypoints, or our Parking Lot Map. Want to park with a little more confidence? Purchase your spectator tickets & parking in advance using the buttons in your event. General Parking in a Carlisle Events Operated Lot is $10 per day.
Handicap parking is available at all of our events. Please go to Gate 3 to be directed to a handicap parking area.
Trailer parking is also available at all of our events. Click here for more information.
Check out our Advance Arrival Planner to have all the tools you need to successfully plan your trip to Carlisle!
Understand that at some events, parking may meet capacity at busy times, so make alternative plans whenever possible.
Book online or call (800) 216-1876